Keep the fire burning
Hello again my friends,
Today we are going to be talking about keeping the fire burning
What exactly does that mean and how does it apply to my business?
Well I’m glad you asked. Keeping the fire burning is a metaphor for staying motivated staying on top of your game and encouraging others. Let’s say you go to a convention for your company and there are hundreds of people who are fired up and excited and they should be. It is a great company with great products and great compensation. As you sit there you envision yourself as a leader, you can practically taste the success. At the end of your convention you say your good byes everyone is happy and you go home.
The following Monday morning you wake up a little tired and grumpy and you really don’t feel like doing anything except sleeping in. This is the time to get out of bed, have a hot shower have a cup of coffee and start stoking that fire. To succeed in any business especially if you are "self-employed" you have to stay on your physically and you have to be on top of your game mentally…beside you are your own boss.
So how do you do this? You do this by listening to motivational and training CD’s. By attending the weekly webinars and conference calls to stay plugged in. There are certain steps that we need to do each and every day; such as, prospecting new clients, following up with clients, placing ads and making sales. How good do you think a basketball player would be if you didn’t go to any of the practices talked to his coach or any other players? We reap what we sow so if you want success you have to mentally plant it first. "Visualization" and "meditation" plays a huge part in directing your daily outcome, if you can see it and believe it you can achieve it. At least 80% of success is mental preparation and the other 20% is doing your daily activities. But most of us have been trained the complete opposite that if we just work harder and longer and put in more effort we will achieve more goals, work, work, work. Your vision will direct your success every time. Take your eyes off where you are and the present circumstances and concentrate on where you are going. This will help you to complete to your goals faster than anything else.
Forget how you feel and do it anyway. This will become easier and more enjoyable with time.
And the end results will amaze you as you reach your goals.
Until next time all the best! Dale Werner
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